Friday, October 8, 2010

Chapter 10

We as educators use assessment activities to gather and analyze data to determine if learning has been achieved in our students. Assessment is used (even when not intended for a grade) to determine if a change in the teaching method or further instruction is needed. It is important as we teach to ensure that learning is occurring in our students. Many assessment techniques can be used to evaluate it. Technology-based assessments are a quick way to do so because there is immediate feedback and changes in the teaching method can take place as needed. This is important to do this to make sure the students have a grasp on the subject before moving on to the next.

E-portfolios are collections of artifacts that are digitized. These artifacts can include, but are not limited to, graphics, writing samples, artwork and multimedia presentations. Portfolios are another way to assess learning. They are developed over time and contain artifacts that show the students learning. The student can choose what to include in and how to present his/her own portfolio. Computer-based tests are done strictly on the computer. The student completes and submits the test. A grade can immediately be seen. Writing these tests can be challenging.

In conclusion, technology-based assessments can be very useful because they give immediate feedback. Computer-based tests can be challenging when constructing. E-portfolios are a great way to empower the student by allowing him/her to make decisions about what and how information will be presented. Assessments are very important to ensure learning is taking place. We must know how to create and use assessment within our classroom to promote successful learning.

Assessing Meaningful Learning with Technology, Chapter 10. Meaningful Learning with Technology, 2008, 3rd Edition.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with you. I think that computer based assessments are great because they eliminate the need for a human to grade them. What better way is there to learn than to be given immediate feedback? The immediate feedback allows the student receive instanteous corrections or praise. That is a great motivator.
